Bewußtseinsentwicklung und Komplementärwährungen’ (‘Consciousness Development and Complementary Currencies’) 1-2005, at the International Open-Space Conference, Johanniterhof, Villingen-Schwenningen / Germany
‘Grundbegriffe der komplexen Psychologie C.G. Jungs’ (‚Fundmentals in the Complex Psychology of C. G. Jung’) 5-2005, at the Franconian Institute for Further Training in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis, Würzburg / Germany
‘Corporate Governance im 21. Jahrhundert’ (‘Corporate Governance in the 21st Century’) 5-2005, at the Lasalle Institute, Zug / CH
‘Systematik und Merkmale spiritueller Krisen’ (‘The Systematics and Characteristics of Spiritual Crises’) 7-2005, at the international conference on ‘The Psychotherapy of Consciousness’, Heiligenfeld Academy, Bad Kissingen / Germany
‘Regionale Stabilität in einer globalisierten Welt’ (‘Regional Stability in a globalized World“), with H. Klimenta, at the ‘New Definitions of Economy’- Congress at the KSI 7-2005, Bonn / Germany
‘Komplementärmedizinische Ansätze in der Behandlung des chronischen nicht-tumor Schmerzes’ (‘Complementary Medicine Approaches in the Treatment of Chronic Non-tumor Pain’) 7-2005, at the department for Anaesthesiology, University of Würzburg, Prof. Sprotte / Germany
‘Expressives Verhalten bei Patienten mit posttraumatischen Belastungsstörungen’ (‘Expressive Behavior in Patients with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorders’), with A. Kirsch, at the 7th Annual Conference of the DeGPT 9-2005, Dresden / Germany
‘Sustainability and Finance’ 12 Lectures at the Universities of Budapest and Szeged / Hungary 10-2005
‘Wie wir wirtschaften werden. Der neue CLUB OF ROME Bericht 2005’ (‘Our Future Economy. The New CLUB OF ROME Report 2005’) 10-2005, at the University of Applied Science, Kehl / Germany
‘Einführung in die Spezielle Psychopathologie unter psychodramatischen Gesichtspunkten’ (‘Introduction into Specific Psychopathology under Psychodramatic Aspects’), including workshop 11-2005, Zurich / CH
‘Wie wir wirtschaften werden, Szenarien für eine nachhaltige Gesamtentwicklung’ (’Our Future Economy, Scenarios for Sustainable Overall Development’) at the annual Austrian Banking Meeting 11-2005, Salzburg / Austria
‘Future economy- money and sustainability, the missing link’ 12-2005, Guest Professor at the University of Hokkaido / Sapporo, Japan
‘Evolutionary psychology and economics’ 12-2005, seminar at the University of Hokkaido / Sapporo, Japan
‘Our future economy, money and sustainability’, lecture and workshop 12-2005, at the University of Doshiba, Political Science, Kyoto / Japan
‘Alternative strategies in financing and promoting health’ 12-2005, Dejjon, Hambat Lets / South Korea
‘Our future economy, money and sustainability, the missing link’ 12-2005, Guest Professor at the National University of Seoul, Department of Consumer Studies / South Korea
Brunnhuber S., Lietaer B. & Botos K., 2005 ‘Economy as an evolutionary system, psychological development and economic behaviour’ in: Heller Farkas Papers, Review of economic and social sciences, 3,1, pp: 94-114 Budapest University Press, Hungary
Brunnhuber S. & Lieater B., 2005 ‘Die Twinstrategie, globale Cofinanzierung und komplementäre Re-regionalisierung’ (‘The Twin Strategy – Global Co-Financing and Complementary Re-Regionalization’), in: Hoffnung Europa, Global Marshall Plan Initiative, pp: 213-222, Murmann: Hamburg
Brunnhuber S., Fink A. & Kuhle JP., 2005. ‘The financial system matters: future views and scenarios for a sustainable future’ Futures, 37, pp: 317-332
Merten J, & Brunnhuber S., 2005. ‘Scham und Verachtung bei Patientinnen mit Schmerzstörungen – Eine mimische Analyse des Beziehungsverhaltens in einem strukturellen Interview’ (‚Shame and Contempt in Female Patients with Pain Disorders – An Analysis of Facial Indicators of Relationship Behavior in a Structural Interview’) Zeitschrift für klinische Psychologie, Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie, 53, 3, pp: 249-261
Lietaer B. & Brunnhuber S., 2005. ‘Economics as an Evolutionary System: Psychological Development and Economic Behavior’ Evol Econ Rev, 2/1, pp: 113-140