Veranstaltung am


‘Konventionelle Psychopathologie der Persönlichkeitsstörung’ (‚Conventional psychopathology in personality disorders’) 1-2006, C. G. Jung Institut, Zurich/CH

‘Integrative Theorie der Persönlichkeit vor dem Hintergrund der aktuellen Bewusstseinsforschung, I- Systematik’ (’Integrative Theory in the light of the consciousness-studies I- Systematology’) 1-2006, C.G. Jung Institut, Zurich/CH

‘Integrative Theorie der Persönlichkeit vor dem Hintergrund der aktuellen Bewusstseinsforschung, II- Diagnostik’ (’Integrativ Theory in the light of consciousness studies II- Diagnostics’) 1-2006, C.G. Jung Institut, Zurich/CH

‘Integrative Therapie der Persönlichkeitsstörungen’ (’Integrativ Therapy in personality disorders’) 1-2006, C.G. Jung Institut, Zurich/CH

‘Our future economy: money and sustainability’, Invitation as guest-professor to the Department for advanced social and international studies (Prof. H. Maruyama) 7-2006 at the university Tokio, Komaba, Japan

‘Western and Eastern approaches in treating traumatic stress, – an integrative view’ 7-2006, Invitation as guest-professor at the department of psychiatry and medical psychotherapy at the university of Shenyang, (Prof. Liuying), Shenyang, China

‘Assessing patients with traumatic stress’, clinical workshop 7-2006 at the department of psychiatry and medical psychotherapy at the University of Shenyang, (Prof. Liuying), Shenyang, China

‘Systematics, relevance and clinical assessments of dreams’ 7-2006, presentation and workshop, at the department of clinical counselling and psychotherapy at Beijing university, (Prof. Fang XIN) Beijing, China

‘Diagnostic assessments and therapeutic procedures in chronic non-tumour pain syndromes’ 7-2006, presentation and workshop at the department of clinical counselling and psychotherapy at Bejing university, (Prof. Fang XIN) Beijing, China

‘General methodic assessments in clinical CAM trials’ 11-2006 at the special CIM lecture series, at the department of internal medicine (DOM), Rochester, MAYO-Kliniken (Prof. Dr. B. Bauer) MN, USA

‚The carbon credit currency, towards ecological balance and regional wealth’, at Proceedings RIO 6, at the international conference ‘World climate and energy events’ 8-2006, together with Lietaer B., RIO De Janeiro, Brazil

‘The rise and fall of Civilizations-Lessons to learn for China in the Century beyond planned economy and deregulated markets’ at the international conference on Postmodernism in China at the Institute for Postmodern Development of China, 12-2006, Claremont- College, CA, USA

Brunnhuber S., 2006 Notfallmedizin’ Kapitel 2.5.2. (‘Psychological counseling in emergency cases’, chapter 2.5.2.) in Lang H. & Faller H., Lehrbuch für Medizinische Psychologie und Soziologie, pp: 216-218, (2th edition 2010)

Brunnhuber S. & Wagner R., 2006. ‘Zur Differentialdiagnose spiritueller und religiöser Krisen’ (‘On the Differential Diagnosis of Spiritual and Religious Crises’) Zeitschrift für TTP und PTT, 1, pp: 34-45

Brunnhuber S. & Grahl J., 2006. ‘Jenseits des Wachstumszwangs, Zum Verhältniss von Energie, Arbeit und Kapital’ (‘Beyond the Growth Compulsion – On the Interrelation of Energy, Labor, and Capital’) Gaia, 15/2: 96-101

Kirsch A., Brunnhuber S. & Breunig, D. 2006. „Expressives Verhalten bei Patienten mit posttraumatischer Belastungsstörung“. Reha aktuell. Neurologie-Psychiatrie-Psychosomatik, 1, pp:10-12

Bornhauser N., Brunnhuber S., 2006. “Consideraciones críticas a propósito del paradigma evolutivo desde un punto de vista psicológico, Limite,1,14, pp:175-194