‚New findings in the mind-brain debate’ at the Department for Philosophy at Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles, 2-2007, (Prof. RR. Wang), USA
‘On global justice, J. Rawls revisited’ at the Department for Philosophy at Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles, 3-2007, (Prof. RR. Wang), USA
‘Our future economy, money and sustainability, the missing link’ invited as guest professor to Beijing University (BEDA) at the department of Philosophy and Social Science (Prof. Zhao Dunhua) 4-2007, China
‘Financing global health – double market failure and complementary problem-solving’, invited as guest professor to North-West University in X’ian, department of public administration (Prof. Xi Heng) 4-2007, China
‘Financing global health- double market failure and complementary problem-solving’ invited as guest professor to WUHAN-University (Prof. WU Genyou) 4-2007, China
‘Our future economy, money and sustainability, the missing link’, Wuhan-University, 4-2007, China
‘Our future economy, money and sustainability, the missing link’, invited as guest professor to the DUXIU-Lectures at the Guanxi-University in Guilin 4-2007, China
‘Our future economy, money and sustainability, the missing link’ invited as guest professor to the Peter-Drucker-lectures at the Department of business and administration, University of Nanjing 4-2007, China
‘Our future economy, money and sustainability, the missing link’, invited as guest professor to Fudan-University, Department for Philosophy and Social science (Prof. Zhang Shuangli), Shanghai 4-2007, China
‘Our future economy, money and sustainability, the missing link’ at the Institute for Whiteheadian Process studies, Claremont College 5-2007, (Prof. J. Cobb), USA
‘Nicht-konventionelle Verfahren bei depressiven Störungen, Evidenz-basierte Ergebnisse“ an der Jahrestagung der deutschen Gesellschaft für Bipolare Störungen, Ruhr-Universität (‘Non–conventional treatment options in depressive episodes, some evidence based results’), at the annual meeting of the german society of bipolar disorders at the university of Bochum 9-2007, Germany
‘The impact of the financial system on our future society, exemplified on the European health care system’ at the faculty of law at PPKE, Budapest 10-2007, Hungary
‘A new approach to a sustainable future- psychological and historical dimensions’ Seminar for PhD-Students at the department of macroeconomics at the University Szeged (Prof. Botos) 10-2007, Szeged, Hungary
’Zivilgesellschaftliche Modelle und ergänzende Initiativen zu Gesundheitsdienstleistungen, z. B. Neue Versorgungs- und Finanzierungsformen für den europäischen Gesundheitssektor’ at the international conference: Die Zukunft der sozialen Sicherung in Europa, 11-2007 at the KSI, Bad Honnef, (‘Civil society and the health care sector‘ ), Germany
‘Naturheilkundliche Interventionsmöglichkeiten in der Behandlung des chronischen Schmerzes’, at the 2. Bochum-Essener Psychiatry talks at the university of Bochum and Essen 11-2007, Essen, (‘Naturopathy in the treatment of chronic non-tumor pain syndroms’), Germany
‘Psychosomatische und komplementärmedizinische Aspekte in der Behandlung des chronischen nicht-tumor Schmerzes’, at the interdisziplinary pain-conference in Bad Waldsee 11-2007, Bad Waldsee (‘Psychosomatic and CAM strategies in treating chronic pain syndroms’) Germany
‘Sozialpsychiatrische Interventionen im sozialpädagogischen Dienst der AWO I’, at the ‚Institut für Sozialraumorientierung und Case-Management (DGCC)’ 11-2007, Essen, (‘social psychiatry intervention’) Germany
‘Finanzarchitektur und Nachhaltigkeit’ on invitation of the WZFG, Berlin 12-2007, Berlin (‘Financial architecture and sustainability issues’) Germany
Unger F. Bergdolt K. Biser E.. Brunnhuber S., Gmeiner R., Härle W., Hinterhuber H., Kirchhof P., Lobkowicz N., Messmer ,K., Mitterlehner R., Penk A., Peter K., Schmied W., Singer W., 2007 ‘Paradigma der Medizin im 21. Jahrhundert’, report on request of the EU-parliament, Springer: Berlin, Heidelberg, New York
Kirsch A. & Brunnhuber S., 2007. ‘Facial Expression and Experience of Emotions in Psychodynamic Interviews with Patients with PTSD in Comparison to Healthy Subjects’ Psychopathology, 40, pp: 296-302
Bornhauser N. & Brunnhuber S., 2007. ’Consideraciones críticas a propósito del paradigma evolutivo desde un punto de vista psicológico’ Limite, 1/14, pp: 175-194
Brunnhuber S., Lee M., Lietaer B., 2007. ‘Chinese Health care in the 21. Century: A complementary proposal beyond a planned economy and deregulated market’ China Tibetology, 2007, 3, pp: 167-174.
Brunnhuber S. & Grahl J., 2007. ‘Von Wachstum und Wachstumszwang’ Gaia, 16/3 pp: 176-177
Brunnhuber S., 2007. ‘Die Kunst unsere Gesundheit zu finanzieren- Eine komplementäre Strategie zur Finanzierung und Lenkung unseres Gesundheitssystems’ (‚New strategies in financing health care’) Z.f Kompl. Medizin, 09/07, pp: 1-4