Veranstaltung am


Brunnhuber, S. & Somburg, O., 2020 ‚A Walk in the Park‘ -Wilhelm Krull und Joachim Wolschke-Bulmahn (ed.) in: Unsere grüne Lunge – Gärten und Gesundheit. Herrenhausen-Matinee“, in: Herrenhäuser Schriften, Band 9, Hannover

‚Willkommen im Club of Rome‘, see Leipziger Volkszeitung, 12/2019:

‚Capital 03/2020, Top 15-Speaker Germany, Austria and Switzerland’ Orlandis
Media, Arthur Verlag, see:

‚Krise als Chance, see Leipziger Volkszeitung, 03/2020:

‚TAO of Finance – a WAAS Initiative’ see:

‚Full Member at the Club of Rome, Interview with the Press at University Mittweida February 2020: see:

Klaus Tschira-Award Winning ‚One Book-One University’ with the universities of applied science in Dresden and Görlitz / Germany with the book ‚Die Offene Gesellschaft, Ein Plädoyer für Freiheit und Ordnung im 21. Jahrhundert (Oekom, 2019), 2020; see: and see:

Jacobs, G., Kiniger-Passigli, D., Šlaus, I., Zucconi, A., Brunnhuber, S., 2020: ‚Leadership for a New Paradigm: Planetary Moment and Momentum’ Cadmus Volume 4, Issue 2 part 1: see:

Brunnhuber, S. & Jacobs, G., 2020: ‚Innovative Financial Engineering to Fund the SDGs A WAAS Initiative‘, Cadmus Volume 4, Issue 2 part 2: see:

`Die Zukunft der Psychiatrie-Zum Verständnis und die Versorgung von
Patienten mit psychischen Erkrankungen im 21. Jahrhundert‘ Keynote at the
Winter-school University Salzburg, January 2020, Salzburg, Austria

‚Wie gelingt uns die gesellschaftliche Transformation?‘ together with Otto Scharmer and Patrizia Nanz, Talk-show ZDF (3sat, Scobel) 16.01.2020, Mainz, BRD; see:—zukunft-global—revolution-und-stagnation-100.html

‚Die Welt von Morgen’ January 2020, ÖDP Munich, Germany

‚The Finance Hub-Initiative’ Expert Roundtable of the Club of Rome in Brussels, February 2020, Belgium

‚Das Planetarische Moment’ Talk-show at ZDF(Scobel 3sat) ,Corona, Ethik, Mensch, April, 2020, see:—corona-ethik-und-der-mensch-100.html

‚Der Starke Staat‘ Radio-Show with Frau Fuhrmann, 4/2020; Resiliente Ökonomie HR-2; see:—von-der-sorglosigkeit-zur-fuersorgepflicht,podcast-episode-67522.html

‚Financing our Transformation‘ GlobalmindED and WAAS 4/2020 (Webinar)

‚Financing our Future, 4/2020, GL 21 WAAS (Webinar)

‚Popper und die Offene Gesellschaft im 21. Jahrhundert‘ June, 2020 together with Jürgen Wiebicke, WDR-5, see:—orientierung-finden-100.html

‚Corona, Schock, Zeitenwende‘ TV-show (ZDF) 3 Sat (Scobel), together with Rudolf Cortes and Maya Göpel, June 2020; see:

‚Why we need an integral approach in Medicine?‘ at the webinar of WAAS and UN (Strategies for transformative Global Leadership, June,2020, section WW-1‚ Blueprint for Health, Welfare and wellbeing in the 21. century‘, June, 2020 ,Webinar of WAAS and UN

Brunnhuber, S. 2020: ‚The planetary Momentum – Asymmetric shocks, global mental preparedness for change – the paradigm shift and the economics of anti-fragility‘ UN Year book, Planet under Pressure, 2020, Macondo see:

Bringmann, H. C., Bringmann, N., Jeitler, M., Brunnhuber, S., Michalsen, A., & Sedlmeier, P. 2020. Meditation-Based Lifestyle Modification: Development of an Integrative Mind-Body Program for Mental Health and Human Flourishing. Complementary Medicine Research, 1–11.

Bringmann, H. C., Bringmann, N., Jeitler, M., Brunnhuber, S., Michalsen, A., & Sedlmeier, P. 2021. Meditation Based Lifestyle Modification (MBLM) in outpatients with mild to moderate depression: A mixed-methods feasibility study. Complementary Therapies in Medicine, 56, 102598. 10.1016/j.ctim.2020.102598

Brunnhuber, S.,2020 ‚Das planetarische Momentum – Wie wir die Welt jetzt verändern können‘ in Evangelische Aspekte, 30-3, August 2020, see:

‚How we really finance our future’ at the webinar of WAAS and UN (Strategies for transformative global Leadership, June, 2020 at the section Fin-1. ‚Financing systems change‘.

‚Business and Finance‘ at the webinar of WAAS and UN Strategies for transformative global Leadership, June, 2020) at the section Fin-2. ‚Financing systems change.

‚Die Offene Gesellschaft im 21. Jahrhundert‘ at the night of science, on behave of the K. Tschira-award ‚One Book – One University’ at the university of applied science, Dresden, June 2020, Dresden, BRD; see:

‚Die Offene Gesellschaft Teil I und II‘ Lectures at the university of applied science, Dresden see: part one: part two:

‚Die Kunst der Transformation’ Interview with Jung & Naiv: see:

,Kairos, der rechte Augenblick, together with Martin Grassberger at the ORF (Noestlinger-Jochum), Vienna City Talk, September, 2020, Austria

‚Angst vor der Klimaapokalypse hilft uns nicht weiter‘ at 27.07.2020, Interview Augsburger Allgemeine: see: Club-of-Rome-Mitglied-Stefan-Brunnhuber-Angst-vor-der-Klimaapokalypsehilft- uns-nicht-id57808431.html

‚Robuste Regionen gegen exogene Schocks‘, Interview with the Swabian chamber of commerce and trading, see:

Brunnhuber, S., 2020,’The planetary momentum, asymmetric shocks, global mental preparedness for change — the paradigm shift and the economics of anti-fragility’ at the ISACCL (institute for Advanced Studies on Levant Culture and Civilization, Center of Excellent of the World Academy of Arts and science: see: after-the-pandemic/the-planetary-momentum-asymmetric-shocks-globalmental- preparedness-for-change-the-paradigm-shift-and-the-economics-ofanti- fragility/

Brunnhuber, S., 2020, Forword to Mysterium Money (german), Emotionale Bedeutung und Wirkungsweise eines Tabus, von Bernard Lietaer, epub.

‚Die Offene Gesellschaft und der politische Liberalismus im 21 Jahrhundert’ Keynote at the Rotarians in Chemnitz, September, 2020, Chemnitz, Germany

‚Liberalität und Nachhaltigkeit’ at the german Liberal party (FDP)‚ Freiheit braucht Mut‘, November, 2020, Germany

‚Leben in Zeiten der Corona’, Radio-Interview Sachsen Radio, 07.11.2020

‚Liberalismus und Nachhaltigkeit, at the german liberal Party (FDP) Sachsen, 16.11.2020

‚Denkzeit, die Kunst der Pause, im Societaets-theater Dresden, invited by the Kulturstiftung Sachsen, November 2020, Dresden, BRD; see: https://

Brunnhuber, S. 12/2020: ‚Weihnachten ist ein sehr guter Zeitpunkt, auch ökologisch neu anzufangen’, Das Stern-Gespräch, 60 STERN, 23.12.2020

‚Financing our Future: THE TAO of Finance Initiative of WAAS, update and overview‘ 2020; at the GLOBAL LEADERSHIP FOR THE 21ST CENTURY (WAAS and UN) 15-16 December 2020, Room XVII, Palais des Nations, Webinar, CH

‚The Planetary Momentum. Asymmetric shocks, global mental preparedness for change — the paradigm shift and the economics of anti-fragility‘ at the ISACCL, Bukarest, Romania, at the international Conference ‚Lessons of the pandemic, December, 2020;Romania

Brunnhuber, S., 2020: „The TAO of Finance A Mechanism that Can Change the World“ Oekom , see: