"Sustainability reflects a human living within boundaries, planetary and psychological ones" Pictures 2015: ‚Becoming Senator elected at the European Academy of Science and Arts2014: Annual meeting with Carlo in Switzerland, Here on the pathways of Nicolaus of the Flueh (political Mystics, Pilgrim and Hermit)Dresden 2013- : High living quality and working environment in the metropol of Saxonia/Germany: A region full of history, culture, fantastic nature and great neighbourhood; we love it!2013....at the international Forum TIBERIUS for Culture and Economics (David Brandt©)2013: Year of extensive lecturing on Sustainabilty-Issues in USA, Greece, Croatia, Tchechien, Slovakia, Polen, Germany, Austria, Turkey among othersA 30 years reunion of the A-level Gymnasium in Augsburg- 2012Hard core alpine mountain biking with Dr. Friedemann Reiser, long term friend and colleague - 2012Turning 50 and celebrating the babtizing of Anne-Sophie with Family, Friends and Relatives in Lindau, Lake of Constance/ Germany, Sommer 2012Meeting Commissionar Hahn and Commissionar Dalli in Bruessels with Pres. F. Unger on “Harmonizing EU Health Care” in 2012Co-authoring the New Club of Rome report, here at the kick-off Conference in Bruessel in may 2012Meetings with EU- Commisionar Hahn and delegates in Bruessel 2011With Honey-Bun and Stephanie in Salzburg 2011 « Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Next »