Veranstaltung am


‘Scenarios and solutions’, at the 6th international workshop of the EASA 1-2003, Frankfurt/Main / Germany

‘Ungleichheit und Kooperation – Wie unsere Zukunft von der Gestalt der Finanzmärkte abhängt’ (‘Inequality and Cooperation – The Way Our Future Depends on the Shape of Financial Markets’), by invitation from ATTAC and the Protestant Education Academy Regensburg 4-2003, Regensburg / Germany

‘Finance meets sustainability’, at NUR University 4-2003, La Paz / Bolivia

‘Finance meets sustainability’, by invitation from the CIDES Institute of UMTSA University 4-2003, La Paz / Bolivia

‘Our future economy, a new financial architecture for the wealth of the people’, by invitation from the Russian Academy of Science 6-2003, Moscow / Russia

‘Our future economy, a new financial architecture for the wealth of the people’, at the international ‘Money Moves…’-symposium 7-2003, Steyerberg / Germany

‘Psychology and economic behaviour’, 8-part lecture series on behave as honorary professor at the University of Budapest 10-2003, (PPKE) / Hungary

‘Finance meets sustainability – Problem Solutions’ 10-2003, at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Szeged / Hungary

‘Our future economy – money and sustainability, the missing link’ 10-2003, by invitation from the CLUB OF BUDAPEST, Budapest / Hungary

‘Die spirituelle Dimension im wirtschaftlichen Handeln’ (‘The Spiritual Dimension of Economic Activity’), 11/2003, international congress; symposium 11-2003, with M. Kennedy; ‘Geldwirtschaft, Wirtschaft und Ethik’ (‘The Monetary System, Economics, and Ethics’), Würzburg / Germany

‘Small is beautiful reconsidered’ at the Department of International Relations of the Meiji-Gakuin University 12-2003, Yokohama / Japan

‘Money and sustainability’ open lecture at the Meiji-Gakuin-University 12-2003, Yokohama / Japan

‘Our future economy, money meets sustainability’ at the department of Political Sciences at Chuo University 10-2003, Tokyo / Japan

‘The Japanese crisis, just a cyclical problem or 10 years ahead?’ Open lecture at Chuo University, 10-2003, Tokyo / Japan

‘Money and sustainability’ at the conference ‘Slow Life People’ 10-2003, Fuchu, Tokyo / Japan

‘Towards integrative sustainability’ at Soka–International University, Institute for Eastern Philosophy, 12-2003, Tokyo / Japan

‘Money and sustainability’ Guest Professor at the Department of World Economics of Seinan-Gakuin University, 12-2003, Fukuoka / Japan

‘The Japanese crisis, just a cyclical problem or 10 years ahead?’ Workshop at the Department for World Economics of Seinan-Gakuin University, 12-2003, Fukuoka / Japan

‘Our future economy, finance meets sustainability, the overlooked connections’ RITSUMEIKAN, Asia Pacific University (APU), 12-2003, Beppu / Japan

‘Our future economy, finance meets sustainability, the overlooked connections’, 12-2003, at the Faculty of Economics, Shiga University, Hikone / Japan

Brunnhuber S. & Klimenta H., 2003 ’Wie wir wirtschaften werden – Szenarien und Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten zukunftsfähiger Finanzmärkte’ 1. Bericht der Europäischen Akademie der Wissenschaften und Künste (‘Our Future Economy – Scenarios and Steering Tools for Future-Oriented Financial Markets’ First Report of the European Academy of Science and the Arts), pp: 1-288 Überreuther-Verlag: Frankfurt

Lang H., Brunnhuber S. & Wagner R., 2003. ‘The so-called Zollicon Seminars – Heidegger as a Psychotherapist’ J. of AA of Psychoanalysis and Dynamic Psychiatry, 31, 2, pp: 349-360

Brunnhuber S., 2003. ‘Differential diagnosis of compulsive symptoms in borderline personality disorders’ Am. J. of Psychotherapy, 57, 4, pp: 460-470

Brunnhuber S. & Lietaer B., 2003. ‘Bewusstsein und Geld, ein Beitrag zu einer evolutionären Ökonomie’ (‘Consciousness and Money – A Contribution towards an Evolutionary Economy’) Zeitschrift für Sozialökonomie 3, pp: 3-9

Fink A. Kuhle J.P. & Brunnhuber S., 2003. ‘Zukunftsszenarien der globalen Geld- und Finanzwirtschaft’ (‘Future Scenarios of the Global Monetary and Financial Economy’) New Management, 11, pp: 18-25

Brunnhuber S., 2003. ‘Das Entwicklungsparadigma aus psychologischer Sicht’ (‚The Developmental Paradigm from a Psychological Perspective’) Zeitschrift für TPPT, 2, pp: 28-39

Lietaer B. & Brunnhuber S., 2003. ‘Alternative Währungssysteme und ihre Bedeutung für den Dritten Sektor?’ (‘Alternative Currency Systems and their Significance for the Third Sector?’) Maecenata, 8, pp: 9-15

Klimenta, H. & Brunnhuber S., 2003. ‘Wie wir wirtschaften werden’ (‘Our Future Economy’) Zeitschrift für Sozialoekonomie, 138, pp: 37-40

Klimenta H. & Brunnhuber S., 2003. ‘Reformierbarer Kapitalismus?’ (‘Reformable Capitalism?’) Neues Deutschland, 11/ 14, pp: 12

Brunnhuber S., 2003. ‘Die Zukunft der Finanzmärkte’ (‘The Future of Financial Markets’) BrandEINS, 10/03, pp: 132-137