Veranstaltung am


‘The mind brain-barrier-nothing to dissolve’, AAPDP conference 4-2004, New York, (supported by DFG grant), USA

‘Why do we need local complementary currencies? Considerations from a systemic view’ at the international conference ‘The Money Crunch-Complementary Currency Solutions’ 5-2004, Naropa University, Boulder, CO/ USA

‘The two forms of compulsive symptoms- a psycho-evolutionary approach’ with H. Lang, AAPDP conference 5-2004, New York, (supported by DFG grant), USA

‘Was ist integrative Psychologie, -Methodik und die wichtigsten Schulen’ (‘What is Integrative Psychology – Its Methodology and Major Schools’) 6-2004, C. G. Jung Institute, Zurich / CH

‘Das Vier Quadrantenmodell, – Holons und Hierachien, extrinsischer und intrinsischer Wert’ (’The Four-Quadrant Model – Holons and Hierarchies, Extrinsic and Intrinsic Value’) 6-2004, C. G. Jung Institute, Zurich / CH

‘Das Spektrum des Bewusstseins, – das Entwicklungsparadigma, die prä-trans-difference, eine integrale Landkarte’ (‘The Spectrum of Consciousness – The Developmental Paradigm, the Pre-Trans Difference, an Integral Map’) 6-2004, C. G. Jung Institute, Zurich / CH

‘Erkenntnis und Wissenschaft – Vier Geltungsansprüche, die Drei Augen der Erkenntnis’ (‘Knowledge and Science – Four Normative Claims, the Three Eyes of Knowledge’) 6-2004, C.G. Jung Institute, Zurich / CH

‘Integrales Handeln, spezielle Psychopathologie und Psychotherapie’ (‘Integral Action, Specific Psychopathology and Psychotherapy’) 6-2004, C. G. Jung Institute, Zurich / CH

‘20 Grundaussagen aus der Sicht integraler und evolutionärer Psychologie’ (‘20 Fundamentals from the Perspective of Integral and Evolutionary Psychology’) 6-2004, C. G. Jung Institute, Zurich / CH

‘Wie funktionieren Finanzmärkte und welche Rolle spielen sie in einer modernen Gesellschaft?’ (‘How Do Financial Markets Work and What Role Do They Play in a Modern Society?’), at ‘Financial Crises and Their Consequences for the labour market’ 9-2004, Velehrad / Czech Republic

‘How does a tree perceive time? A developmental logic of time’ at the 7th international conference on ‘Time, Memory and History’, PPP 9-2004, University of Heidelberg / Germany

8-part lecture series on ‘Globalization, financial markets and regional development’ 10-2004, PPKE University, Budapest, and University of Szeged / Hungary

‘Beyond Globalization- A sustainable View for Regional Wealth’, 11-2004, at the international conference on ‘Finance and Globalization’ at the University of Szeged / Hungary

‘Wie wir wirtschaften werden’ (‘Our Future Economy’)12-2004, Feldkirch / Austria

‘Wie wir wirtschaften werden’ (‘Our Future Economy’), Presentation of the First Report of the EASA 12-2004, at Concordia International Press Club, Vienna / Austria

‘Global trends and regional development: New financial strategies for developing countries’ 12-2004, at the Department for Regional Economic Development of the Jawaharlal Nehru University, (Prof. A. Kundu), New Delhi / India

‘Money and sustainability, the missing link’ 12-2004, at the Department of Political Sciences of the Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi / India

Brunnhuber S., Frauenknecht S. & Lieb K., 2004 ‘Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie’, Elsevier, Muenich (5th edition)

Lietaer B. & Brunnhuber S., 2004 ‘Alternative Währungssysteme und ihre Bedeutung für den Dritten Sektor?’ (‘Alternative Currency Systems and their Significance for the Third Sector?’), in: Jahrbuch der Dritt-Sektorforschung, pp: 110- 119 Berlin

Borchardt A., Brettenthaler B., Brunnhuber S., Costigliola C., Elmadfa D., Fayl G., Fialka-Moser A., Henke H., Krebs A., Meran S., Messmer A., Penk A., Schiffer D., Unger F., Wagner A., 2004 ‘Health is Wealth – Strategic Visions for European Health Care at the Beginning of the 21. Century’ European Institute of Medicine (EoM), Springer: New York

Brunnhuber S., 2004 ‘Das Komplementaritätsprinzip’ (‘On complementarism’) in: M. Kennedy, and B. A. Lietaer, ‘Regionalwährungen – Neue Wege zu nachhaltigem Wohlstand’, pp: 74-76 Riemann: Munich

Kennedy M. & Brunnhuber S., 2004 ‘Geld und Spiritualität, Vom Tabu zur Lösung’ (‘Money and Spirituality–From Taboo to Solution’), in: ‘Die spirituelle Dimension wirtschaftlichen Handelns’ (‘The spiritual dimensions in economics’) pp: 225-245 Kamphausen: Bielefeld

Brunnhuber S., 2004 ‘Die transpersonale Dimension des Geldes’ (‘The Transpersonal Dimension of Money’), in: ‘Die spirituelle Dimension wirtschaftlichen Handelns’ pp: 246-261 Kamphausen: Bielefeld

Brunnhuber S. & Bornhauser N., 2004. ‘Mercados economicos y patologia narcisista ante el trasfondo de la discusion en torno al concepto de rol’ (‚Economic Markets and Narcissistic Pathology against the Background of the Role Concept Debate’) PSYKHE, 13,1, pp: 101-115

Merten J. & Brunnhuber S., 2004. ‘Facial expression and experience of emotions in psychodynamic interviews with patients suffering from pain disorders’ Psychopathology 2004, 37, pp: 266-271

Bornhauser N. & Brunnhuber S., 2004. ‘Zur Gespaltenheit moderner Subjektivität’ (‚On the Split in Modern Subjectivity’) Texte, 1/04,pp: 7-26

Lietaer B. & Brunnhuber S., 2004. ‘Beyond Meadows, the money-system, the overlooked connections’ Shiga Annals, 350, pp: 93-108

Lietaer B. & Brunnhuber S., 2004. ‘The Japanese crisis, 10 years behind or ahead?’ Science for Environment and Sustainable Society, 1, pp: 67-75

Kirsch A., Brunnhuber S. & Breunig D., 2004. ‘Affektives Beziehungsverhalten bei Patienten mit posttraumatischen Belastungsstörungen’ (‚Affective Relationship Behavior in Patients with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder’) PTMP, 4, pp: 63-74

Brunnhuber S., 2004. ‘How does a tree perceive time-Considerations on the developmental logic of time’ Time, Memory and History, University of Heidelberg, pp: 53-54