Veranstaltung am


Soziale Arbeit mit traumatisierten Klient(inn)en’, Lecture, January 2016 at the University of applied Science Mittweida on behave of the endowed W-3 professorship, Mittweida, BRD

‚Umgang mit Affekten in der Sozialen Arbeit mit traumatisierten Menschen’, Lecture, January 2016 at the University of applied Science Mittweida on behave of the endowed W-3 professorship, Mittweida, BRD

Brunnhuber S., 2016, „Die Psychologie der Transformation’, 3,2016:12-17 Z.f. SUPERVISION

‚How to Finance our Common Future (SDG’s), Lecture at the university for Business and Management, St. Petersburg (SPBMU) on behave of the Russian Science Day 8.2.2016, St. Petersburg, Russia (Prof. O. Smesko)

‚Money and Sustainability-The missing Link‘: Round-Table Experts Talks at the SPBMU, February, 2016, St. Petersburg, Russia (Prof. O. Smesko)

‚I. Pavlov’s Findings for Science in the 21th Century’ (II. Pavlov-Lecture) invited by the Pavlov-Instituts, St. Petersburg, Russia, February 2016 (Prof. L. Filaretova)

Andreas Michalsen, Natalie Kunz, Michael Jeitler, Stefan Brunnhuber, Larissa Meier, Rainer Lüdtke, Arndt Büssing and Christian Kessler, 2016,“ Effectiveness of meditation for patients with chronic low back pain – Complementary Therapies in Medicine’ in: Complementary Therapies in Medicine volume 26, 2016, pp. 79 – 84

‚Mind, Thinking & Creativity‘ Conference, Webinar and Panel with William Byers, February, 2016 World Academy of Science and Arts

‚On what we all belief in: The Psychology of any inter-religious dialogue, April 2016, invited by the Faculty of Theology Lugano and the European Academy of Science and arts (EASA): ‚Interreligious Dialogue‘. Lugano, CH

‚The Anatomy of the Mind‘ at the conference ‚Mind, Creativity and Thinking‘ , invited by the World Academy of Science and Arts (WAAS), April, 2016 at the Center for Advanced Academic Studies (CAAS), University Dubrovnic/Croatia

‚Learning and Creativity’ at the conference ‚Mind,Creativity and Thinking‘, invited by the World Academy of Science and Arts (WAAS), at the Center for Advanced Academic Studies (CAAS), April 2016, University Dubrovnic/Croatia

‚Limits to Thinking’ at the conference ‚Mind,Creativity and Thinking‘ invited by the World Academy of Science and Arts (WAAS), April at the Center for Advanced Academic Studies‘ (CAAS), April, 2016, University Dubrovnic/Croatia

‚Ways of Knowing’ at the conference ‚Mind-Creativity and Thinking‘ invited by the World Academy of Science and Arts (WAAS), Center for advanced academic Studies (CAAS)  April, 2016, University Dubrovnic /Croatia

Brunnhuber S. 2016 „On Global Justice: An integral and evolutionary approach to a complex issue“ in Justice and Solidarity-The European Utopia in a globalized era, Junahi Laurinkari (ed.) European Academy of Science, pp: 149-158

Brunnhuber S. 2016 „Die Kunst der Transformation-Wie wir lernen die Welt zu verändern“ Herder, München (Several Translation in the making):

‚Naturheilkunde in der Psychiatrie- Systematik und Beispiele’, April, 2016, Psychiatrie Rattingen, Symposiums: ‚500 Tage-ein Konzept‘ Rattingen, Düsseldorf BRD (Prof. Bibl)

‚How to Finance our common Future (SDG’s) – A parallel Green QE to finance our SDG’s at the XIII INTERNATIONAL COLLOQUIUM Post-2008 Global Dynamics & Structural Changes: Economic, Political and Eco-Societal Transitions – Perspectives on New Economic Theory ISEC, University  Lissabon, May, 2016, Lissabon/Portugal

‚The Real Tragedy of the Global Commons‘ at the XIII INTERNATIONAL COLLOQUIUM Post-2008 Global Dynamics & Structural Changes: Economic, Political and Eco-Societal Transitions – Perspectives on New Economic Theory ISEC, University Lissabon, May 2016, Lissabon/Portugal

Brunnhuber S. 2016 „Gesichter der Nachhaltigkeit“:

Brunnhuber S. 2016 Acht Erkenntnisse um uns und die die Welt zu verändern“ in, 25.6.2016:

Ein System sucht nach dem richtigen Gleichgewicht: MDR Talk Dienstag-Direkt 14.6.2016; 19.00-23.00:

Illusion der Gewissheit: Warum wir uns ungern mit der Realität auseinanderzusetzen

‚Das Post-Wachstums-Argument’ invited by the Rotarian-Chemnitz, June, 2016, Chemnitz, BRD

‚Psychologie der Transformation-Was wir tun müssten um nachhaltig zusammen leben zu können‘‚ Grand Round-Lecture on ‚Utopien‘ at the university of applied science, Mittweida, Juno, 2016, Mittweida, BRD (Prof. Busse): siehe auch:

Überleben im Anthropozän: Warum es für uns keinen Notausgang gibt-

‚Psychologie des Geldes‘ invited by the Saxonias ministry of education, Seminar, September, 2016 (Prof. Dr. Lehmann-Waffenschmidt)

‚Education ain’t Education: The Creativity Response or How To Improve The Learning Curve In A Society, September, 2016, on behave of the UN Peace day, Seoul, Transformative Challenge: The Worlds of Human Mind and Planetary Engagement, invited by Kyung Hee University, Seoul, Corea

‚How to tailor our education towards a person-centered Education? September, 2016, on behave of the UN Peace day, Seoul, Transformative Challenge: The Worlds of Human Mind and Planetary Engagement, invited by Kyung Hee University, Seoul Corea

‚Die Bedeutung der Naturheilkunde in der stationären Psychiatrie, October, 2016, Fachkrankenhaus für Sucht-Rehabilitation, Weinböhla, BRD

‚Was ist Spirituelle Gesundheit‘, Lecture, invited by  the University Krems, on behave of the 25th. anniversary of the university, October, 2016, Krems, Austria

‚Phytotherapie in der stationären Psychiatrie’ Lecture, invited on behave of the 50. anniversary of the ‚Medizinischen Woche Baden-Baden‘ (28.10-1.11.2016), Baden-Baden, BRD

‚Lineares und Paralleles Denken-Wie finanzieren wir unsere Zukunft‘, Lecture, November, 2016, Lecture on behave of the Lecture Series ‚Plurale Ökonomie‘ at the faculty of macroeconomics, University Siegen, (Prof. Dr H. Peuckert)

‚Die Psychologie der Transformation – Was die Postwachstumsökonomie von der Psychologie lernen kann, Lecture, November, 2016 at the Postgrowth-Colloqium, University Oldenburg (Prof. Dr. N. Paech)

‚Der Digitale Geist- Bei Risiken und unerwünschten Nebenwirkungen fragen Sie ihren Arzt oder Apotheker‘, December, 2016, Inauguration-Lecture at the University of applied Science Mittweida, on behave of the endowed professorship, BRD,

‚Psychologie des Fasten’, December, 2016, Lecture on invitation of Prof. A. Michalsen (Charite Berlin), Immanuel Krankenhaus Berlin BRD